public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "best practices"

October 2013

Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API | Vinay Sahni

by Spone
Your data model has started to stabilize and you're in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it's hard to make significant changes to your API once it's released and want to get as much right as possible up front. Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there's no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you're left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept? How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned?

September 2013

Bullet Journal: An analog note-taking system for the digital age

by Spone & 1 other (via)
For the list-makers, the note-takers, the Post-It note pilots, the track-keepers, and the dabbling doodlers. Bullet journal is for those who feel there are few platforms as powerful as the blank paper page. It’s an analog system for the digital age that will help you organize the present, record the past, and plan for the future.

August 2013

The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 2.0 - Moz

by Spone
The brand-new version of The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet. This free and downloadable document covers all of the important SEO code and best practices that are needed by online marketers and developers.

July 2013

June 2013

May 2013

April 2013

February 2013

December 2012

The Making of Fastbook: An HTML5 Love Story | Blog | Sencha

by gregg & 2 others
When a team has problems with HTML5, it usually stems from the fact that they take a “website” development approach to building an app, and often don't use the right tools and architectures for application development. This is what we suspected about the Facebook HTML5 app. The way that app performed — slow loading, choppy user experience in the News Feed, low framerate — exhibited the usual symptoms.

The Boston Globe, Filament Group, Inc. and Upstatement and RWD | Create Now | Adobe TV

by gregg
See how the Boston Globe launched a responsive web design and development on a large scale. The teams at Upstatement and Filament Group created a superb experience across multiple devices and browsers • Broke down barriers between design and development and enabled easier iteration • Reinvented venerated newspaper brand and experience on

UX Archive

by gregg & 1 other
We want to help people create the best user experiences possible for their apps. In the creative process of shaping such an experience you need to explore what others have done to define what works, what doesn’t and to observe patterns that you should or shouldn’t integrate in your app

Getting Started with Drupal: Optimizing Your Drupal Application | New Relic blog

by holyver
So slow pages can have a very real impact on your business. These are some very real incentives for whipping your site into shape, so let’s move on from the why to the how.

How to build an app: 20 great tutorials | App design | Creative Bloq

by gregg
Want to know how to build an app? Whether you're looking at building an iOS, Android, Windows, Facebook or cross-platform app, these superb tutorials will help you on your way.

TheFWA - The Making of “Clouds Over Cuba: An Interactive Documentary”

by gregg
The documentary had to live on a website that allowed viewers to jump around and explore a plethora of content in non-linear fashion. It had to be an interactive and multi-media experience. It had to be consumable on mobile devices and iPads.

November 2012


by gregg
The TMC Resource Kit was conceived, designed & developed by Dr. Siobhan O'Flynn & Anthea Foyer. It is a living website that will evolve as we add new case studies & resources over the coming year to build an extensive set of diverse case studies modeling unique and successful strategies in the digital sphere.

October 2012

24 ways - web design and development articles and tutorials for advent

by gregg & 70 others, 1 comment
24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.

Studio Neat — It Will Be Exhilarating

by gregg (via)
Indie Capitalism and Design Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century

September 2012

Processus de commande Smart Check-Out

by gregg
La solution ecommerce WiziShop lance un nouveau tunnel de commande innovant nommé Smart Check Out. Son but est de simplifier l'inscription du visiteur (qui n'a plus à créer de compte), d'augmenter le taux de transformation et d'obtenir des données plus fiables grâce à de multiples vérifications

Médias : 10 tendances tech aux Etats-Unis | Metamedia

by gregg
Comme chaque année, à la conférence de l’Online News Association, Amy Webb a dressé, devant une salle comble à San Francisco, sa liste très attendue des 10 tendances technologiques actuelles les plus importantes pour les médias en ligne:

iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and <canvas>

by gregg & 1 other
The "Design" page for iPhone 5 includes an auto-playing video of the device being unlocked. But there's no video element, just a canvas. And if you check the "Network" tab of the inspector, you won't find any video there either. But you will find some strange JPEG images:

July 2012